Below is found a number of coaches tools that SVØM's Sportafdelingen suggests to be used in the daily training in the competitive dansish clubs.
International junior reference on starts, turns and finishes
Download a sheet with the best times on starts, turns and finishes at junior level here.
Kicking performance
Kicking is identified as a key area in regards to improved swimming performance.
Club programs can submit times on 50 and 200 meter all out kicking from daily practice for inclusion in a national ranking. All clubs are welcome to submit times on swimmers in all age groups.
The national kicking ranking can be found here.
Below you can download an Excel submission sheet to be used for the submission if times should be included in the rankings. Please remember to submit all data as requested including the split time on the first 100 meter of the 200 meter.
Excel submission sheet can be downloaded here.
Kicking data can be submitted to talent manager, Thomas Stub at
Rankings will be published with the following deadlines for submission: