Dive into the world of baby swimming and be inspired and challenged all the way!
On the 26th-28th of October 2012, the Danish Swimming Federation and the municipality of Copenhagen invite you to a conference about baby swimming in Copenhagen.
Gennem teoretiske og praktiske oplæg fra eksperter, debatter mv. vil deltagerne blive ført gennem forskellige facetter ved babysvømning.
Så sæt allerede nu kryds i kalenderen d. 26.-28. oktober 2012!!
Vi er i fuld gang med at udarbejde et spændende program, så hold godt øje med Dansk Svømmeunions hjemmeside for mere information om program, tilmelding og pris henover efteråret og vinteren.
Ved spørgsmål, kontakt udviklingskonsulent Anna Jørgensen på mail: aj@svoem.dk eller på telefon 29 16 09 04
Through debates and practical and theoretical presentations from experts, particapants will be guided through defferent parts of baby swimming.
Put a big X in your calender now on the 26th-28th of October 2012!
Right now we are preparing an exciting programme. So throughout autumn and winter visit the homepage of the Danish Swimming Federation for more information on the programme, how to sign up and prices.
For more information contact developement consultant Anna Jørgensen on e-mail: aj@svoem.dk or phone: +45 29 16 09 04